Sunday, November 28, 2010

Day 8

Day 8 Reflection

Looking back at this trip, each of us wondered what have we learned and gained? We felt that during this trip we learned many things through our friends and teachers especially student from Anning middle school. Things that we can't learned during in classroom where we study with books and teachers. These things was related to our life, it is how we live our life whether to the fullest or other wise. This trip have waken up many people inner-self including us. It give us the courage to achieve our dream. We believed that if ever in life we felt lost, looking back at this trip would give us an answer. What this trip have taught us will be spread out to other people. We will try our best to bring everyone forward with us and help them become their own unique shinning star.

Group G signing off! ( Our big family photo! E-V-S-S GO GO GO!)